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Factory Fresh Sheridan kp3
🤔If you decide to part with the KP2…I might be interested….just saying
BrickHaus It could very well be. Honestly, I don't remember it having a CA setup with it - I thought it was just as it looks in the pic, but it could have. Also, I don't remember where I ended up shipping it to because I was basically having a virtual yard sale on eBay at the time, and sold a lot of stuff around that time to pay for the things in the new house. According to Google Photos, this pic is dated Nov. 11, 2014. That was around the time I sold this, thought it might have been a little bit earlier than that, and the date I'm seeing is just when it was uploaded to Google Photos. I do vaguely remember there being some back-and-forth bidding war going on for the gun which I was surprised by at the time. Pretty cool if it is the one I used to have.
Man, you sure this didnt have the CA set up with it?? I ask because I may have this kp..
Well, I know I got beat out on Ebay for a kp3 with that US rifle case included about 9 years ago. The bldder who beat me was my best friend whom was saving me from spending money on myself before Christmas. He gifted me said kp after the fact.. it came with the hardware to be used ca or 12ie.
Could it be yours?
I'm seriously tempted by this thing.
I've always loved these since I first started playing in the early 90s as a kid, but never owned one until much later. By then, I had stopped playing completely, though, and never even used the friggin thing before I ended up selling it (to raise funds to pay for a $3000 copper sink for the new house we were having built at the time which incidentally turned out to be completely stupid because then 3 years after moving in, my now ex-wife ambushed me she wanted a divorce and we ended up having to sell the house anyways. But I digress...).
I found this in my old Google photos yesterday while lusting after this gun
I think it was a KP3, but seems it was not a CA model? I ended up dumping it on eBay 9 years ago, don't remember for how much but I think it was in the $300s range.
It's not that far of a drive for me to LI...
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